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Depilation strips

Every girl, without exception, wants to look beautiful, but all girls are tired of getting rid of unwanted body hair with a razor. The solution to this problem is depilation , a practical and convenient cosmetic method. The best selection of various paper for depilation can be seen on our website. Choosing cosmetic products on our website you will not be disappointed in their quality.

What is depilation paper for?

To remove unwanted hair on the body have come up with a lot of methods. Beauty salons offer a variety of services with which it is possible to get rid of unwanted hair and make the skin smooth and silky. The most important thing is to choose a safe method, most often experts choose wax depilation . For the procedure, you will definitely need not only wax, but also special strips for depilation . Paper strips should be chosen correctly, and we will definitely help you with the choice. When choosing this material, you should definitely pay attention to such indicators as density, size, color, shape. It is worth remembering that only with high-quality depilation strips it is possible to carry out the procedure correctly and without harm to the client's skin. Depilation paper has special properties. It is very durable, does not absorb wax, and also has an antiseptic effect. It can be easily applied both independently, at home, and in beauty salons. You can buy from us:

  • paper in a roll;
  • cut paper (in strips).

Benefits of depilatory strips:

  • this method of hair removal is very affordable. You can perform the procedure at any time, no matter where you are;
  • you don't have to wait for the hair to grow back. The procedure can be performed on hairs, the length of which is only 1.5 mm;
  • the tool is economical. One strip is enough for several times. You can use it until the hair sticks to the material;
  • The effect of the epilation lasts up to 4 weeks. The exact time will depend on your hair growth rate;
  • wax strips injure the hair follicle, which causes a violation of the functions of hair growth.

How to choose paper for depilation?

To choose the right paper for depilation , you need to pay attention to such indicators as:

  1. Density . The ideal density for such paper is 70-90 g/m2. A lower density is not very good during the procedure, since the strip quickly absorbs the wax, it becomes impossible to work with it and you immediately need to take a new one. So you won't stock up on any stripes. If the density is higher than indicated, then the strips may delaminate or leave bruises on the skin.
  2. Packaging . Depilation paper in a roll requires additional time to cut it, it is considered more economical. In turn, as strips for depilation , they come in special packages and are immediately ready for use.
  3. Color . White strips for depilation - standard. Black depilatory strips are very often used for men's depilation, the hairs are not so visible on them, which looks more aesthetically pleasing. Multi-colored - are chosen at the request of the master, maybe the mood of the client will suit the design of the room.

What do you need for hair removal at home?

You need to prepare the following materials:

  • wax in a jar or cartridge (cassette);
  • wax melt;
  • strips for depilation;
  • oil to remove wax residues;
  • means before depilation;
  • means after depilation;
  • spatula for applying wax in a jar.

Before carrying out the procedure, you must definitely read the instructions on how to use all the materials, or watch a couple of videos on YouTube. Then you can start the procedure. For depilation of the bikini area and armpits at home, it is best to use warm wax. We'll talk about him.

Depilation with warm wax

This type of depilation is the safest, as it eliminates the possibility of getting burned. Wax for depilation of this type is most often sold in a cassette. This type of packaging is very convenient, it allows you to easily apply a thin layer of wax.

Before using wax, it must be heated in a wax melter , this will take 15-20 minutes, if there is no such equipment, you can use a water bath or a microwave. Next, the wax is applied to the skin evenly, a thin layer of depilatory paper is applied on top and lightly pressed by hand. After a few seconds, the strip must be torn off with a sharp movement against hair growth parallel to the skin. The procedure is repeated until the hair is completely removed in the right place. Wax residues are removed from the skin with oil, after which the skin is covered with an after-depilation product .

Contraindications for waxing

Dermatologists do not recommend waxing for people who:

  • take antibiotics;
  • completed a course of peeling procedures;
  • there are many scars that have not yet fully healed;
  • people who suffer from diabetes;
  • suffering from thrombophlebitis;
  • carriers of a fungal, bacterial infection;
  • owners of skin diseases;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • pregnant.

Application technique

Non-woven strips for wax depilation are used in the hot method of hair removal. It can really be done at home. Before the session, carefully study the instructions, read the advice of experts or watch training videos on the Internet. The whole procedure is carried out in stages:

  • the wax in the cartridge or cassette is heated in a wax melter for 15 minutes;
  • talc or powder is applied to the cleaned surface of the skin;
  • spread the wax evenly over the skin. To do this, it must not be hot, so as not to cause burns, and not cold, so as to capture the hairs;
  • then apply fabric strips for depilation or a paper version. Smooth for 10 seconds, avoiding twisting, blistering. It is important to leave a free edge, otherwise the strip will not come off, the wax will remain on the skin;
  • fabric (paper) is sharply torn off in the direction against the growth of hairs;
  • the remains of the product after waxing are removed with special napkins. If they are not, then you can use vegetable oil. It prevents inflammation and irritation in the treated area.

Where to buy paper for depilation?

You can always buy depilation paper of various density and type in our TUFISHOP online store, with us your purchases will always be the most profitable and reliable. With us you can always buy all the necessary materials for the depilation procedure: wax, spatula and much more. If you want to make purchases quickly, our store will help you with this. Contact us, we are always happy to help with the choice and find what you really need. We work only with trusted suppliers, so that all goods are of high quality. To order, you should place the product you like on the website or visit our showroom in Warsawa. Call us, we are waiting for you!